Tips for Deciding Whether a 480V Tranformer Installation Is the Right Choice

Execution of electrical measuring works on the power transformer

Heavy machinery needs a lot of power. If you don’t have the necessary transformer for the applications you need to run, you could run into some problems. There are a few key factors you must consider before the process of installing a transformer can begin.

Check With Utility Provider

The first step you need to take before you have a 480V transformer installed is checking to see if your power company even provides that service to your area. It doesn’t make sense to go through the trouble of getting one if zoning and municipal regulations prohibit it. As with any major alteration to your home or business, it’s important to make sure that you are following the rules.

Protect Other Equipment

Even if you are installing a transformer for your equipment with higher voltage needs, don’t forget about the other machines in your home or office. You still need the separate transformers that deliver 120-240V connections that are used to power computers, lighting and other electronics. If you try to connect these items to a 480V surge, you are likely to short them out and damage them beyond repair.

Match Load to Output

Changing one aspect of your building’s electrical system affects everything else. With every new electrical installation, there are several questions you must cover:

  • Does the voltage load match the outlet’s output?
  • What kind of plug is needed (single-phase or three-phase)?
  • What are the frequency and amps of the load?
  • Is this an indoor or outdoor installation?

Fortunately, you don’t need to do all of this yourself. A qualified electrician not only helps by installing a transformer but is also able to help you make decisions concerning the other subsequent changes that are necessary. The technician has the expertise to help you safeguard your building while getting the power you need to operate your heavy machinery.