Always Have Adequate Emergency Lighting for Your Building

4a7dc29b8c4839dd66d0fb0da4e407d3Emergencies happen, and when the lights go out you still need to be able to respond. Storms, fires, and other natural disasters can wipe out the power supply your business depends on, leaving you stranded in the dark. Your commercial building must be equipped with adequate emergency lighting to ensure the safety of your staff.


You are probably familiar enough with your company’s workspace to get your job done. That doesn’t mean that you are adequately prepared for an emergency situation. During critical moments, panic and stress can cause you to overlook your surroundings. The things you take for granted are no longer a certainty. Even the pathways and exits you calmly use every day can be suddenly forgotten.


You cannot always depend on natural lighting to help you get to safety, either. An emergency can happen at night, and most commercial buildings are not designed to allow sunlight to penetrate to the interior parts of the facility. You depend on power and lighting more than you think. Try turning off your lights during the middle of the night and consider how difficult it would be find the exit.


Emergency lighting is designed to help you find your way to safety in the event that the power goes out. These lights are hooked up to the building’s power system and can also operate off of a separate battery supply. When the lights sense that the building’s power has been cut, they still provide enough light to allow safe movement through the facility. They are most commonly placed in hallways and near exits. It is also wise to have lighting installed around environmental hazards like waste disposal areas or heavy machinery.


Have a professional test your emergency lighting system regularly to be confident that it will operate correctly when you need it to. You should also practice emergency exit drills with your employees, and be ready with a plan should the worst happen. Make sure everyone knows the evacuation routes and assembly locations and that they can get there even in the dark.


At WC McBride Electrical, we’re here to help you keep your business safe. For emergency light inspections or installations call us or click here for a free quote.